Term 4 Immersion Assembly

For term 4 our principal Mr Burt introduced our new topic in our Immersion assembly   “May The Force Be With You Kia Kaha Te Kaha Ki A Koe” Team 5 made a movie this term will be learning about sound. To be specific sound waves vibrations and how our ears work.  The rest of the school is mostly learning about how to use forces but team 5 is learning about something different.

Karawhiua Term 3 DLO Project

This term for DLO we have been focusing on trying to learn a new physical skill. My group I was working with consisted of 3 people, me Danielle and Kensi. The skill we chose to try and perfect was Double Dutch but we ended up finding that too difficult and ended up changing our skill to skipping. We found this skill quite difficult but we still enjoyed trying to learn our skill. One thing I think we could do better next time is to try more with our original skill before changing.

Trip To The Olympics

This week for maths we have been learning how to plan a trip to the Paris Olympics with a budget of 30k, for a family of 4, 2 adults, and 2 children, aged 10 and 8. We found this quite hard but figured it out in the end. We were able to stay within budget only using 8,003 dollars! My highlight for this task was working with my group and finding accommodation.

This week for our task we had to create a collage based on the  theme of the text we had been reading called the glass boy. I enjoyed doing this task because it was fun to find the pictures to add to the collage.

Perimeter & Area

This week for maths we have been learning how to work out the area and perimeter of 2D shapes. For this slide we were learning how to find the area of the shapes and perimeter of a range of different shapes by X the height and width. These slides were fairly easy to complete!

Area of a Squares and rectangles – practise

This week for maths we are learning to work out the peirmeter and area of 2D shapes.  To find the perimeter of a 2D shape we have to add all the sides of the shape together, and to find the area we have to multiply the length by the width. I found the first few slides quite easy but towards the end they got more challenging but overall I liked these math slides.

The Hitchhiker Script

In literacy this week we have been studying character traits. character traits are what makes up a person, such as their individual qualities, these can be physical emotional or mental. character traits are usually used to describe a person’s personality. our conversation / script is based on the characters in Roald Dahl’s book “The Hitch-hiker” I have written this script as a conversation going on between the 2 characters  plotting to steal from the rich. In the book the narrator is portrayed as a brave, kind and trustworthy person, while the hitch-hiker is portrayed as a sneaky, dishonest person while still being a likeable character, hes likeable for many things but 2 of them being he has a sense of humour, and only steals from wealthy people.

Title: The Hitch-Hiker and the rich

Setting: Horse Racing

The hitch-hiker and the narrator ran out of money so they decided to pickpocket a rich man for food and gas money at the horse racing.
Narrator: Kensi
Hitchhiker: Hailey

Narrator: We’ve run out of money, what should we do?

Hitchhiker: Have you already forgotten what I do for a living?

Narrator: You’re not actually going to, are you?

Hitchhiker: It’s fine stop being so paranoid. I’ve been doing this for many years and not once have I gotten caught.

Narrator: True but I’m just going to stand in the corner and act like I don’t know you.

Hitchhiker: C’mon it’ll be fine i’ll teach you!

Narrator: It’s wrong, I just can’t do it.

Hitchhiker: Fine then you baby, wait here I’ll be back in 5 minutes, then we’ll have enough money for everything we need for the next couple of days.

Narrator: Fine, but if you get caught I’m leaving you here.

Hitchhiker: Whatever, that won’t happen though.

Narrator: Just saying, if it does.

Hitchhiker: Sureeee whatever

Narrator: Who are you gonna pickpocket

Hitchhiker: The first rich person I see, I don’t pickpocket the poor, only the rich.

Narrator: Oh okay.

Hitchhiker: No reason to worry, I don’t get caught.

Karawhiua! Give it heaps!

For term 3 our theme is “KARAWHIUA give it heaps!” To introduce our topic, in immersion assembly we had each team create a movie to show what elements their team will be focusing on. For team 5 our teachers created a movie about Mr Wiseman wanting to learn a new skill, which was juggling and each of the teachers made a prediction which if they thought he would achieve this goal, or fail. Miss Langitupu and Mr Moran thought that Mr Wiseman would achieve this goal, and the rest of the team 5 teachers didn’t.

Moving on to highlights and lowlights of the hoildays. My highlight was seeing my mum and going shopping in the city with her. and my lowlight was being stuck in my house most of the time.

My learning goal for term 3 is to keep on top of all my learning and turning it in on time. And my other school highlight is to participate in everything. My 2 goals for outside of school is to become more active and productive. And my second goal is to talk to more people instead of being awkward.

Term 2 Inquiry Project – Transformers

Inquiry Question: How can I use the elements of drama (EOD) to express myself?

For inquiry this term we have been focusing on drama. How we did this is in the beginning we were split into random groups, our group was Me, Kensi, Tumoe, Neomi, and Mama D, we were given the choice to select the play we wanted to preform at the end of the term, we chose “A Real Steal”  Our play was based in an art gallery, If I was to call it anything I would say it was a comedy play.  There were 3 patrons, a security guard, an art critic, and a thief. My rolls were Patron 2 and the security guard.

One thing I learnt from this terms project is how to step out of my comfort zone. If we were to do this again I think our group could improve by completely memorising our lines and we could have been more prepared by bringing in clothes to wear for our costumes instead of just accessorises like wigs and hats.

My highlight for this was working with my group each week and slowly getting better at our rolls, and my low-light was preforming it at the end of the term.