Day: May 1, 2024

Plant Vocabulary


Organisms An individual plant or animal. Endemic Lots of our plants and animals can only be found here in New Zealand.
Species A kind of animal or plant. Continents a large continuous mass of land conventionally regarded as a region.
Linnean Taxonomy a classification system for the natural world to standardize the naming of species and order them according to their characteristics and relationships with one another. Gondwana one of the two ancient supercontinents
Geography Studying physical features of the earth. Adaptation Getting used to your surroundings and adjusting accordingly
Biodiversity All life that you find in a specific area. Extinct No more animals left of their species or kind.
Photosynthesis The way plants and some organisms use the sunlight to synthesize their nutrients from carbon dioxide. Evolution The way plants, animals, and humans develop do to their environment.
Pedosphere The soil mantle of the Earth Climate Weather conditions prevailing in a place for a certain amount of time.
Decomposition the first stage in the recycling of nutrients that have been used by an organism Environment The surroundings that a human or animal lives in.
Ecosystem Interacting organisms and their physical environment Dispersal the spreading of things over a wide area.
Niche The unique ways they interact with their environment. Canopy cloth covering hung or held up over something.